
Toolbox Merging for owners

Rotterdam  municipality is working on an attractive residential city where locals enjoy living and working. In addition to the realization of new construction, it contributes to this by improving the quality of the existing private housing stock. The next few years, the municipality therefore stimulates the merging of private homes. Field Academy has developed a toolbox for people who want to merge their homes.


The current housing stock in the old districts of Rotterdam, contain mostly smaller homes, often with an area of less than seventy square meters. Many people leave these areas to find larger or better housing elsewhere. The objective of the municipality is to support residents to realize a larger home in their own district. By these means the socioeconomic Shakers continue to stay in the neighbourhood, which is beneficial for the overall neighbourhood developments. For this purpose the urban programme Merging houses is designed.

Stadsontwikkeling (urban development) asked the Field Academy to develop a toolbox that describes the different possibilities for merging houses step by step. Merging is a good option when there is a property or sale above, beside of below the house that is already possessed. In the Toolbox some living versions are elaborated, different options within merging are explained in a simple and straightforward manner, including cost aspects.

Through various research projects, Architecture students from TU Delft, actively contributed  to the creation of the Toolbox. Recently, the RMIT graduation studio elaborated a complete pilot, under the guidance of Lidwine Spoormans, Wido Quist, Henk van Schagen and Otto Trienekens

Recently the merging coach Marlies Reinders is active in Oud Charlois. She has Knowledge of municipal procedures and is free for people who would like to merge their homes. On Wednesday, she works from the Field Academy at the Grondherendijk.


Henk van Schagen en TU Delft


Toolbox Samenvoegen

Report merging first floor and upstairs appartments

Rapport Vakoefening Samenvoegen