
Invitation Presentations Confrontation Lecture


In dialogue with the district. At the beginning of September various inhabitants and other persons involved in the district gave a lecture to the students of the Veldacademie. The stories and discussions were about daily live in Old Charlois, chances, potentials and problems. Based on this knowledge the students worked on strategies on how to improve the district. The plans include topics as water management, health, short-stay, parking problems and limitation of nuisance.

The students’ plans will be presented on Friday 16th of October from 9.00 to 13.00 at the Veldacademie, Grondherendijk 13. Plans from previous groups have shown to contribute to the public discussion within the district. We invite you to join the presentations!

See you on October 16th!

Students and Veldacademie team


Click here to see the article about the Confrontation Lecture.