Veldacademie developed an instrument, in collaboration with the municipality of Rotterdam cluster MO, Citydevleopment and TNO, to map developments in healthcare real-estate. Different cases will bij researched together with stakeholders.
National policy with regard to the separation of finance between living and healthcare has a large impact on housing for people with care requirements. In 2016 an expected 4.800 extra residents of Rotterdam will remain living independently. This will lead to a growing need for adjusted housing and unforeseen vacancy of elderly and nursing homes.
In collaboration with all the stakeholders the municipality of Rotterdam wants to play a lead role to take up the challenges and simultaneously bringing about innovations in the match between supply and demand regarding living and care and the organisation of a vital living environment.
Veldacademie made an inventory of more than 300 care-facilities in the city, to begin with Care and Nursing homes. A special instrument is developed to map all the complex variables that have effect on the changing spatial needs of care and living facilities.
This method in combination with GIS technology makes it possible to correlate properties and functions of buildings to the level of care delivered and its functional position within the neighbourhood. Therefore data from municipal departments, TNO, care providers and facility owners and is collected and verified by stakeholders.
Subsequently TNO translates the results of the inventory into policy measures that can deal with the consequences for people with care requirements. In addition, in collaboration with care providers and facility owners several locations, divided over different prototypes, will reviewed and monitored meticulously.
Momentarily several pilots are explored. The first partners already presented there locations. However additional proposals are welcome. In an earlier stage Veldacademie and Woonbron developed a strategic model regarding four elderly homes in IJsselmonde, 'seniorencomplexen onder de loep', that can be used to review the pilots.