As a part of the Wijkarena Oud Charlois a group of enthousiast participants took the initiative to redesign the Gouwplein. This group is being facilitated by the Veldacademie. Jurrian Arnold, a student of the TU Delft, was asked to take the lead.
During the first workshop on april 24 the local residents gathered their ideas. This resulted in a very lively discussion that varied from collective anger on dog droppings to the design of benches and a natural playground. The location for the eventually to be build mosque was announced and generally seen as a positive chance for the square. Illustrator Sandra de Haan immediately put the ideas on paper.
Together with urban designer Czaba Ziros of the dS+V (service of urbanism and housing) a master plan was made and a collective of residents and municipality workers moved into the first phase of the implementation.
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