To create an inspiring kick-off of the project "Design Strategies for Regeneration Areas" there will be an introductory Confrontation Lecture held at the Veldacademie Rotterdam.
The confrontation lecture aims at uniting students and inhabitants to exchange information, thoughts and views. This should stimulate the development of future visions for Oud Charlois.
The Confrontation Lecture will be on the 4th of September 2009 from 09:00-13:00h at the Veldacademie Rotterdam at the Grondherendijk 13 in Oud Charlois.
Apart from the inhabitant\window-cleaner Jacco and the chairman of the district Ed Goverde there will also be input from the district-manager Irma Bijl, Jikke Vergragt from the housing cooperation "Woonstad" and Mr. Boyuk from supermarket Yasam.
Based on the stories of daily life in Oud Charlois the students will formulate tasks in the context of district regeneration.
At the end of the semester the results will be presented to the public.
We like to welcome you on September 4th!
Click here to view last year's results!
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