
final design entrance sluisjesijk

The winners of the competition Entrance Sluisjesdijk are working hard at making their proposal implementation-ready. In collaboration with the Havenbedrijf (or Habour Company), the local entrepreneurs and the inhabitants the building plans are given ever more specific shape, the moment of execution rapidly drawing nearer! Hereby a short coverage by team "line 72".

By team line 72 (Marieke, Pieternella, Wendy en Wout)

As a result of winning the competition, the Harbour Company commissioned Veldacademie to work with us on further developing the meeting place. In the original design this is a half-round 'arena' in which various activities can take place. One can use it for giving lectures, users of the former RET-building can have lunch there and local inhabitants have indicated they would want to use it as a place for gatherings, an open air theatre and possibly an outdoor cinema.

With feedback of the Harbour Company the design was worked out to a definitive design. The biggest adaptation is the shape of the sitting furniture. Not half-round, but bent, which gave it additional purpose in the space. Enabling it to separate the formal part of the square (the working atmosphere around the former RET-building) from the informal part (recreation on the grass) and in addition also improving on emphasising the entrance of the building. In terms of materialisation we have chosen for a steel construction with Corten steel plates and wooden seats. This combines both the atmosphere of a living environment (Oud-Charlois) as that of the harbour and the pier.

The next step for us will be the building preperation. To this end we are talking with two companies on the Sluisjesdijk: ITS and Van Campenhout. They are advising us on the choice of materials and the fabrication of the seating furniture. It would be wonderful if the eventual furniture piece is realised in collaboration with all the parties involved that are present on the Sluisjesdijkpier and with the input of the users, so it can serve as multifuntional meeting place on the square between harbour and city.