
Research Zicht op Zorghuisvesting published

The 18th of November 2013 saw the completion of the inventory on 77 nursing and medical care accommodations in Rotterdam and its presentation to various healthcare providers in the sector Nursing and Medical Care. This inventory was enthusiastically accepted and makes it possible to react to the changes in healthcare financing in mutual agreement.

Research Zicht op Zorghuisvesting published


State-measures with respect to the separation of financing for housing and healthcare have grave consequences for the accommodation of people with a healthcare demand. It is expected that in 2016 nearly 4.800 people will additionally keep living in their own home. This will result in an increased desire for adapted dwellings and living environments and it will lead to an expected vacancy of healthcare accommodations in the various sectors.

For the inventory that was conducted during this research Fieldacademy developed an instrument to integrally map the complex variables that influence the changing spatial demands of healthcare accommodations. This makes it possible to integrally compare the characteristics of the different locations. By implementing a subdivision into eight so-called prototypes an initial impression is formed of the situation and the expectations at the urban level.

The results of the inventory will be translated to a policy document in which the consequences for people with a healthcare demand will be addressed. In addition a number of locations, divided over the various prototypes, will be researched in detail in collaboration with healthcare providers and building owners. In the meantime development of the first pilots has started. A start has also been made with the inventory of the healthcare accommodations in the sector which focused on people with a disability.