Since the 1st of January the responsibility for the care of the long term ill and elderly lies partially with the municipalities. The accompanying reforms have a large impact on the organisation, financing and housing of healthcare and well-being. All municipalities are faced with the task of managing these transitions to the best of their abilities and to facilitate the collaboration and reconciliation with the various actors. The methodologies that Veldacademie developed for the inventory work on healthcare accommodations in Rotterdam, among other things, raised the interest of various municipalities. At the end of January a preliminary research was concluded on the possibilities of conducting an inventory on nursing and caretaking homes in the municipality of Amsterdam.
The Municipality of Amsterdam is keen to discuss prognoses, opportunities and expectations concerning healthcare accommodations with all stakeholders. The department Dwelling, Healthcare and Community has therefore requested the Veldacademie to conduct an inventory of the locations within Nursing and Caretaking. The inventory includes the collecting of location based information, such as type of dwelling, provided healthcare and characteristics of the area. By combining this information an impression is formed of the current situation on the circa 66 locations and a first glimpse can be given of the expected developments in the city, per area and for the various healthcare providers.
The methodology that was developed for the situation in Rotterdam provides a starting point, but will be tailored to the specific demands, opportunities and characteristics that apply to Amsterdam. The main objectives of the preliminary research were to form a proper impression of the specific required knowledge and accompanying research question, exploration of the available sources, a network analysis and the formulation of collective starting points. Based on discussions with source managers, healthcare providers and corporations the methodology was enhanced and characteristics and prognoses of the demographic composition in the various neighbourhoods will be mapped more extensively.
Due to the similar methodology with which the inventory will be conducted the research will not only provide additional insight in the situation in Amsterdam, but it will also enable a comparison with the situation in Rotterdam. Mirroring the situation in the two large cities provides additional cause to indicate the situation and developments.