
Conference "Who cares then?!"

On Friday 14th of June the Congress 'Who cares then?!, public-private cooperation in housing, care and welfare' took place at the WTC in Rotterdam. Veldacademie held the workshop'' Living without Care(s)? , was also represented with a stand at the knowledge market, and took part as panel member in the debate ''Social entrepreneurship in neighbourhoods and local communities''. Also, our projects Urban Monitor Assisted Living Areas and Inventory Space Demand Care Realty were brought to the attention.

Otto Trienekens was part of the expert panel in the debate round titled: ''Social Entrepreneurship in neighbourhoods and local communities''. Led by Robert Huijsman, Professor of Management and Organization of the care for elderly, was partly discussed how the government can facilitate district bound entrepreneurship. Alderman Korrie Louwes confirmed that the municipality is developing several initiatives to fulfil this role. Jos de Blok, managing director Buurtzorg Netherlands, and Johan van der Ham, CEO Lelie Zorggroep illustrated how their organizations are already active in the district. Otto Trienekens stressed the importance to work throughout the perspective and from a knowledge base of the citizens. Knowledge of citizens in a district should be taken seriously. By listening and observing behaviour specific, mainly small-scale physical support can be given of - social - initiatives on housing and care per neighbourhood. This is where entrepreneurship starts. The citizen is the master.

The open space workshop “Living without Care(s)?!” was led by Ruth Höppner and Karin Snoep. Participants were asked to identify with a pre-established profile and to draw their ideal living environments. Participants in the perspectives of the care-giver, disabled or chronically ill, drew facilities nearby their own homes, such as the supermarket, pharmacy, green and sports facilities. Many participants also valued a social safety net in the neighbourhood, especially when one was in the role of the family caregiver themselves. The joint purchase of caring, sharing of facilities, living with like-minded in the form of a cooperation seem the future! During the closing plenary of the day was fed back to the conference, where Ruth Höppner explained the outcome of the workshop Veldacademie held.