Forthcoming years, the Netherlands will be facing a rapidly aging population. Population aging has major implications for the society. Drastic changes in our health system and a changing (care) demand of the future generation of dependents necessitate reconsideration of care, services and housing facilities. Recently, Field academy mapped a wide range of preconditions in the parish of Kralingen-Crooswijk.
In 2005 the government shaped its views on the aging of the population in Nota 64: Ouderenbeleid in het perspectief van de vergrijzing (Aging policies in the perspective of Aging). The principle is that the elderly are ‘sovereign and full citizens, even if at some time important resources for an independent existence disappear’.
‘From this note, the Government derived values based on health, contribution to society, purchasing power, mobility, housing, care dependency and life ending (Van Campen, 2008). The central objective is that elderly are to be able to live independently in their own homes and living environment as long as possible. When housing- and care services are of adequate quality, moving to an intramural setting can be prevented or delayed.
Central to this study, executed by Field Academy, was the question of what residents of the neighbourhoods Crooswijk, Rubroek, Kralingen West, Kralingen Oost en De Esch deem necessary to continue living independently at home as long as possible. To answer this question, a large-scale qualitative study was conducted among residents. The results were compared with the actual spatial organisation of areas, which resulted in so-called anchor point maps, including display of facility clusters in the neighbourhoods that play an important role of the daily life of elderly in the district. These maps offer guidelines for making high yield investments or prioritization of implementation plans and maintenance. It is expected that the results of the report are shortly adopted by the parish council, which is a clear step towards implementation.
The collaboration with TNO, commenced for this study, will be extended to other areas in Rotterdam.
Hogeschool Rotterdam en TNO